Our Company

Patriot Goose Control provides Canada goose control for businesses in the greater Boston / Worcester / Providence metropolitan area. Patriot Goose Control uses a system of harassment using trained border collies to produce and maintain a decrease of at least 90% in resident goose population. This is the only proven, humane, and environmentally friendly way of providing effective Canada goose control. 

Company Highlights

  • Patriot Goose Control has been operating since 2014.

  • Using highly trained border collies, Patriot Goose Control can permanently reduce the Canada goose population from any site by over 95%.

  • Patriot Goose Control methods do not harm geese, and are approved by the US Fish & WIldlife Service and the Humane Society of America.

Meet The owner

Elliot Oren grew up in Baltimore County, Maryland. He went to the University of Maryland Baltimore County and held a variety of jobs, including horse wrangler and trail guide for a Montana outfitter before he began working in the goose control industry.

Contact Info:

Telephone: (617)-982-2111
Email: elliot@patriotgoosecontrol.com



Kenda’s name means "child of cool, clear water", and fittingly, her favorite part of her job is swimming after the geese.


Blitz was a champion sheep herder before coming to work full-time for Pariot Goose Control